We are always looking for enthousiastic Master and Bachelor students to join the team (see student projects)!
Would you like to send an e-mail to someone? Then please add ‘tudelft.nl’ to their email name.
Jump to staff, master and bachelor students, and alumni.
Assistent professor
Office: 22.F257
Email: h.j.geertsema@
Management assistant
Office: 22.F268
Email: a.vanbeek-3@
Postdoc (in collaboration with the Baarends Lab)
Office: 22.F240
Email: TBD
Research: Interhomologous recombination repair in mouse meiosis
PhD student
Office: 22.F261
Email: m.n.f.hensgens@
Research: 3D organization of the nuclear lamina with DNA-PAINT
PhD student
Office: 22.F240
Email: B.C.Peters@
Research: Structure-function relationship of cytoskeletal proteins in mammalian cells
BEP student
Boyd Peters
PhD candidate at the Geertsema Lab, Delft University of Technology
Loek Andriessen
Klarinda de Zwaan
PhD candidate at Nanoscopy for Nanomedicine Lab, Eindhoven University of Technology
Tjeu de Sauvage-Nolting
Reyer de Ben
Hannah Lena Wienecke
MSc Nanobiology, Delft University of Technology