Our lab focusses on understanding cellular health by using an imaging perspective. By observing protein distributions and networks in human cells, we aim to understand the molecular mechanisms that underlie cellular health and instigate cellular disease. Particularly, we are interested in the interconnection of protein networks that facilitate the transmission of mechanical stimuli from the cell’s periphery to the nucleus and thereby allow for cellular adaptation to the cell’s environment. To this end, we develop and use state-of-the-art 3D super-resolution microscopy techniques and imaging pipelines to detect and quantify single proteins with superior accuracy (see Research).
Our group is embedded in the Imaging Physics department, providing an excellent environment to collaborate with other super-resolution enthusiasts (Bernd and Sjoerd) and cell biologists.
We are located at Delft University of Technology, the birthplace of microscopy.
We are looking for passionate students to join the team (more info) !
10 February 2025
Welcome, Wouter! He will be joining our lab for the next four months as part of his Bachelor’s thesis.
1 January 2025
Welcome Aditya & Boyd! Aditya joins our lab as a Postdoc in collaboration with the Baarends Lab). Boyd will now start his PhD in our lab!
12 February 2024
Welcome Loek & Boyd for your Master end projects!
April 2023
We will help supervise and support Klarinda in collaboration with the Grußmayer Lab.
November 2022
Myron joins the team as our first PhD student!
February 2022
We will supervise Hannah Lena in collaboration with the Grußmayer Lab.
March 2021
Our lab is officially starting!